Time-Out Tuesday
Each Tuesday we will take time out of the classroom to learn about each other.
I mentioned something about packing the other day. Since I know you were all hanging on to the edge of your seats waiting to hear more about that I thought I’d fill you in. My husband and I bought a house! This is our first home purchase so we are thrilled.
Before we moved in we decided to get the painting and flooring done. Trying to get that organized while caring for an infant and looking for a new job has been hectic to say the least!
This week my little sweetie turns 4 months so we have another photo shoot with her amazing newborn photographer (if you didn’t catch her beautiful pictures you can check them out here). We also have her four month shots next week. This weekend is my tenth wedding anniversary. We really decided to pack everything into one small time period.
What’s going on with you?
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