Author Archives: Elizabeth

Wednesday Words- Developmental Milestones

Wednesday Words We will look at the words that define us. We often talk about “developmental milestones” with parents.  We compare how the children in our care are progressing toward these milestones and often create experiences that will help children meet these milestones. The idea with these milestones is to give caregivers and idea of… Continue Reading

Thursday Thoughts- Divorce

Thursday Thoughts This is where we will collaborate on classroom issues. “A mother of one of my students told me that she and her husband will be getting a divorce this summer.  What should I do in the classroom to help my student?  I teach the 3 year olds and he is almost 4 now.”… Continue Reading

Thursday Thoughts- Time Out, Outside?

Thursday Thoughts This is where we will collaborate on classroom issues. “I loved the idea of the soft spot where children can go calm down in the classroom.  What should I do outside?  With it being summer and all we are out all the time.” Janet T. Norfolk, VA Great question Janet!  We talked about… Continue Reading

Thursday Thoughts- Disciplining in front of family…

Thursday Thoughts This is where we will collaborate on classroom issues. “I know this is normally about classroom issues, but with the 4th of July coming up I have one about family time.  How can I keep my discipline consistent around family?  My family is more of a swat on the butt kinda family and I am trying to work on… Continue Reading